Friday 5 February 2016, 6pm Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL
Dr John-Paul Ghobrial
‘Hard Times? Eastern Christian Migrants to Early Modern Europe’
Friday 29 April 2016
The Gerald Aylmer Seminar in conjunction with the Institute of Historical Research
‘The Experience of the Archives’
Friday 6 May, 6pm Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL
Professor Bruce Cambell
‘Global climates, the 1257 mega-eruption of Samalas Volcano,
Indonesia and the English food crisis of 1258’
Wednesday 6 July 2016, 6.15pm Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL
The Prothero Lecture by Professor Pauline Stafford
‘The making of chronicles and the making of England’
8 – 9 September 2016, Teesside University
RHS Symposium Political Thought in Revolutionary Ireland, 1912-23
Friday 23 September 2016, 6.00pm, Chadwick Lecture Theatre B05, UCL
Professor Sarah Pearce:
‘The Cleopatras and the Jews’
Wednesday 5 October 2016, 6.00pm, Museum of London
The Colin Matthew Memorial Lecture for the Public Understanding of History
in co-operation with Gresham College
Dr Tristram Hunt, MP:
‘Ten Cities That Built an Empire’
Wednesday 26 October 2016, 5:30pm, University of Leeds
Dr Adrian Gregory:
‘Localising & Globalising The Great War’
Friday 25 November 2016, 6.00pm, UCL
Presidential Address
Professor Peter Mandler:
‘Educating the Nation IV: History’