In 2023 the Royal Historical Society introduced a new programme of Funded Book Workshops. Awards support historians, currently working on a second or third major research project, and which will lead to publication of a monograph. The Book Workshops enable an author to bring together fellow scholars to discuss and develop the manuscript of a scholarly monograph.
The programme seeks to address a lack of intellectual support that many historians face in mid career. This lack of support is often in contrast to that provided when studying for a PhD, and writing first articles or monograph derived from a doctorate.
Funded Book Workshops enable recipients to bring together scholars of their choosing to discuss and debate a second or third major research project which will result in a monograph, currently at the draft manuscript stage.
Workshops provide a constructive environment in which work-in-progress is developed to become a richer book on publication. In this way, the initiative extends — to those later in their careers — the Society’s existing New Historical Perspectives scheme of author workshops for early career historians.
About Funded Book Workshops
Each award provides up to £2000 to an author to host a day-long book workshop to consider a project and monograph text in detail. Funds may be spent to invite up to six scholars (based in the UK or European Union) to attend the workshop, and is intended to cover travel, hospitality and overnight accommodation where required.
Participants are required to read the manuscript draft and to engage fully in the workshop, for which they receive an honorarium of £200 per person. One of those attending the workshop will be the author’s named sponsor who will speak, as part of the application, for the quality of the research project and manuscript. Recipients of an award are expected to arrange the workshop, making use of funding provided by the Society. Where convenient, the Society welcomes applications to hold workshops at its office at University College London.
Recipients of Funded Book Awards, 2024-25
The latest round awards, for 2024-25, are to:
- Jodi Burkett (University of Portsmouth) for her project: ‘International Students in Post-Imperial Britain: Experiences of Activism, Community, and Racialisation, c.1960-1990′
- Selena Daly (University College London) for her project: ‘The World is Our Homeland: A Global History of Italian Emigration’
The next call for Funded Book Workshop applications will take place in mid-2025 for the academic year 2025-26.
Recipients of Funded Book Awards, 2023-24
The latest round awards, for 2023-24, are to:
- Jennifer Aston (Northumbria University) for her project: ‘Deserted Wives and Economic Divorce in 19th-Century England and Wales′, published November 2024
- Tim Grady (University of Chester) for his project: ‘Burying the EnemyThe Story of Those who Cared for the Dead in Two World Wars’, published April 2025
Eligibility and terms of an award
Applications are welcome for projects that meet the following criteria:
- A second or third major research project leading to the publication of a scholarly monograph, understood as a text of c.80,000-120,000 words. This monograph need not be an applicant’s second (or third) book, as some PhDs result in a collection of articles rather than a first monograph. However, awards are intended to support historians seeking to publish a monograph at this important mid-stage in their professional development.
- Applicants for a Book Workshop award must be current members of the Royal Historical Society.
- The Society looks to support projects that are intellectually exciting and important, but whose authors have very limited or no institutional means to support a meaningful workshop of this kind through financial or other means.
- Applicants will be supported by an academic ‘sponsor’ in their field who will speak for the quality of the project and the draft monograph. Sponsors need not be based in an applicant’s institution, but should have a clear understanding of the value of the project and the applicant’s ability to see it to completion as a monograph; sponsors will also attend the workshop as one of up to to six academic participants.
- At the time of application, applicants will have a book under contract with a publisher (UK or other) of their choice.
- Those working collaboratively on a monograph with named co-authors are welcome to apply, though workshops will not be supported for edited collections.
- Applicants are not required to have a full monograph in draft at the time of application; rather applications comprising of 2 to 4 full chapters, plus a detailed book plan, are welcome as most suitable for a workshop.
- Recipients will organise and hold their workshop within 12 months of the award. RHS funding will support attendance of up to six specialist readers of the authors’ choosing; others are welcome to attend if funded in other ways. Society funding will support reasonable travel and hospitality within the UK, and from Europe, if required for one or more participant. Attendees from further afield are welcome to attend online, in addition to those attending through the RHS scheme.
- Award recipients will contribute to the Society’s activities with reference to their research or the work of developing their manuscript (e.g. a blog post, interview, event). Recipients will inform the RHS on publication of their monograph, and agree to acknowledge the contribution of the Society in the published monograph.
Enquires concerning the Funded Book Workshop awards may be sent to: administration@royalhistsoc.org.
Those interested in joining the Fellowship or Membership of the Royal Historical Society should consult the Join Us page of Society’s website.