The Society provides the following funding programme for historians who are more than 5 years on from completion of their PhD, and who are members of the Royal Historical Society. This programme runs annually. Follow the link for further details, including timetables for applications.
Mid- and later-career historians are also eligible to apply for the Society’s annual Workshop Grants and Jinty Nelson Teaching Fellowships as well as the Society’s Funded Book Workshops, launched in 2023.
If you wish to join the Society before making an application, please consult the appropriate membership categories via the Join Us page.
Open Research Support Grants
Open Research Support Grants are available to all historians who are more than 5 years on from completion of their PhD. They enable researchers to undertake activities such as visiting archives and historical sites or conducting interviews. Open Research Support Grants may also be used to support travel to academic conferences.
Open Research Support Grants are intended to support historians (working within and beyond Higher Education) who do not have access to any funding streams, or whose access to funding is insufficient to undertake crucial elements of their research. Open to all members of the Royal Historical Society who are more than 5 years on from completion of their PhD.
All enquiries about Research Funding should be sent to the Society’s Membership and Administration Officer at: membership@royalhistsoc.org.
HEADER IMAGE: Society Couples Dancing, Johann Theodor de Bry, c.1580, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, public domain.