Membership – Notes for Applicants

1. Membership of the Royal Historical Society is for individuals with a professional or amateur involvement or interest in history and is open to all.

2. Membership is particularly appropriate for:

i.  early career academics;
ii.  individuals involved in any form of historical teaching or in the development of educational strategies and resources;
iii. archivists and history librarians;
iv. individuals working in heritage, museums and the media;
v. private individuals engaged in historical research (including local and family history).

3. Individuals who join the Society as Members may subsequently apply for election to the Fellowship. In cases where an applicant for Membership seems to the Committee clearly to meet the criteria for Fellowship, he or she will be invited to submit a full application for election as such. If you are unsure about which category is right for you, please do not hesitate to contact the RHS office ( for further advice.

4. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. They are processed by our Office and then pass for ratification to the Society’s Council. New members are elected by Council in February, May, July and November. Applicants will be informed once a decision has been made.

5. The current annual subscription for Membership is £40, which is payable on admittance. Please do not send payment with your application.

All enquiries about applying for election to the Membership should be addressed to the RHS office:

Apply for RHS Membership online