Transitioning in History from School to University

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Date / time: 11 May, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm

Leeds Beckett University, Calverley Building, Room 203

Transitioning in History from School to University

A one-day workshop for school and university teachers

 Friday 11th May 2018

Leeds Beckett University, Calverley Building, Room 203

This one-day event, organised by History UK, is designed to support an exchange of information between history teachers in schools and universities in order to enhance understanding about issues in transition between these two educational phases.  The day has been built on a theory to practice model.  In the morning, we will hear about findings from research on transition and about the ways in which A levels have developed over the past four years.  In the afternoon, practice-based sessions will demonstrate how HE History teachers have supported students in their transition into degree level study at university.

10.00   Registration, Welcome and Coffee

 Part1   Teaching and Learning in Schools as a Preparation for Transition

10.30   Introduction to Issues in Transition – what research tells us

Barbara Hibbert (Sheffield Hallam University) & David Ingledew (University of Hertfordshire)

11.00   A level History and Transition

Mike Goddard (History Lead at OCR – Oxford, Cambridge & RSA Exam Board)

12.00   Discussion: building bridges between schools and higher education       

12.30- 13.15    Lunch (provided)

Part 2  The Undergraduate Experience

13.15   Case study 1: Induction and Student-led Induction

Olivia Saunders (Liverpool John Moores University)

13.45   Case Study 2: Building Skills in a Year 1 Module

Emma Folwell & Charlotte Lewandowski (Newman University, Birmingham)

14.15   Workshop: developing good practice (facilitator: Peter D’Sena, University of Hertfordshire)

15.00   Closing remarks


For further information about History UK, please go to:

To register for this event, please go to:
