Queen Mary, University of London, Arts Two Lecture Theatre

You are warmly invited to the 2016 Annual Nicolai Rubinstein Lecture in Intellectual History and the History of Political Thought at Queen Mary University of London, which will be delivered by Professor Mark Mazower (Columbia).
Financial servitude and political freedom were entangled in the Greek war of independence. The struggle brought the Greeks foreign debts even before they had won a state. Leading philhellenes in London were also apostles of free trade and a new role for the City of London in the global economy. This lecture will explore the interconnections between liberalism and capitalism in the 1820s and ask whether there is anything to be learned, in our day when global finance seems to make a mockery of national sovereignty, from the story of how the Greek state came into existence.
Mark Mazower is Ira D. Wallach professor of history and director of the Heyman Center for the Humanities at Columbia University. He was educated at Oxford and has also taught at Sussex, Princeton and Birkbeck College London. He has written prize-winning books on the history of modern Greece, Europe and international institutions, and he writes and comments frequently on current events for the Financial Times and other newspapers.
Booking is essential. To book please go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/annual-nicolai-rubinstein-lecture-2016-tickets-20701668247