Lancaster University

The annual Social History Society Conference is the largest gathering of social and cultural historians in the UK. Over the last four decades, our members have transformed historical research, inspired challenging work and explored the many ways in which our social worlds are made, imagined, shared and shattered.
In this special year, we are delighted to be returning to Lancaster University, home to many of the SHS’s founding members, with accommodation voted ‘Best University Halls’ for the sixth consecutive year in the National Student Housing Survey 2015. Proposals for panels, individual papers, roundtable discussions or posters are warmly invited from new and established researchers.
The conference is organised around eight strands to promote discussion across very different periods, places and approaches. We welcome proposals covering (pre)medieval, early modern, modern and contemporary research. Contributions may offer a local, national or transnational/global perspective. This year we’re also particularly keen to see proposals for roundtable sessions and other ways of ‘taking stock’ and reflecting on the place of social and cultural history today.
This year’s strands are:
● Deviance, inclusion and exclusion
● Economies, culture and consumption
● Life cycles, families and communities
● Narratives, ideologies and beliefs
● Political cultures, policy and citizenship
● Self, senses and emotions
● Spaces and places
● Open strand: new directions in social history
The conference includes optional sessions on research funding, finding new publishers, and making links with policy makers, production companies and other public audiences. We offer a prize for the best postgraduate submissions. We invite all delegates to submit their papers for consideration for publication in our journal, Cultural & Social History, and to discuss proposals with the editors of our new book series.
If you wish to enter your paper for our postgraduate prize, you will need to email the full text (5,000 words max) to Linda Persson at l.persson@lancaster.ac.uk by 4pm on Monday 1 March 2016.
For more information visit https://www.socialhistory.org.uk/conference