Saturday, 26 January 2019
Main Building, Rooms MAL 152 and MAL 153, Birkbeck College WC1E 7HX
10.00-10.30am Registration
Marta Gravela (University of Turin): ‘Keeping the family together. Urban politics and hospitia in late medieval Northern Italy’
Marcus Meer (Durham University) ‘“I know where my ancestors are buried”: Memory, Genealogy, and Heraldry in the Late Medieval Family Books of German Burgesses’
Vanessa Harding (Birkbeck College, London) ‘Families and networks in early modern London’
Kate Gibson (University of Manchester) ‘Registering Illegitimacy in the Eighteenth-Century City’
1.00-2.00pm Lunch
Jeffrey Fynn-Paul (University of Leiden) ‘Investment and Reproduction amongst Catalan Urban Families in the Long Fourteenth Century’
Erin Maglaque (University of Sheffield) ‘Family and Celibacy in Renaissance Venice’
3.15-3.30pm Break
Joanne Begiato (Oxford Brookes University) ‘Connections and Constituencies: Emotions and Early Modern Families’
There is a registration fee of £25 (£15 for registered students and the unwaged), to include lunch of sandwiches and fruit. It is essential to book in advance, by returning the attached slip.
SLIPS AND CHEQUES (made out to Ian Archer) should be sent by 17 January 2019 to Dr Ian Archer, Keble College, Oxford, OX1 3PG. If you wish to pay by electronic transfer, please contact him by email at ian.archer@keble.ox.ac.uk, providing the details requested on the attached document: he will then send you the bank details.
Conference information and registration