Imagined Worlds in the History of Political Thought

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Date / time: 30 June - 1 July, All day

Gavin de Beer Lecture Theatre, University College London

Imagined Worlds in the History of Political Thought

Imagined Worlds in the History of Political Thought. 7th Annual London Graduate Conference in the History of Political Thought

Gavin de Beer Lecture Theatre, University College London

Featuring Keynote Lecture by Melissa Lane (Princeton) and Roundtable Discussion with Quentin Skinner (QMUL), Joanne Paul (NCH), Gareth Stedman Jones (QMUL), and Gregory Claeys (RHUL).

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Day 1 — Thursday, 30 June 2016

10:00 — 10:30 Registration and coffee

10:30 — 10:45 Opening remarks: Gregory Claeys (RHUL)

10:45 — 12:30 Panel 1 — Transforming Socialist Utopias Chair: Stephanie Conway (RHUL)

Michael Rupp (LSE/Potsdam)“Rather a rejection of certain remains of Utopianism, which adhere to Marxism”: Rethinking Eduard Bernstein’s Revisionism

Vincent Garton (Cambridge)“A future brilliant with hope”: Catastrophe, Utopia, and the Sorelian Transformation of Socialism

William Whitham (Princeton) César De Paepe and the Politics of Collective Property in Socialist Thought, 1860-1890

12:30 — 13:30 Lunch

13:30 — 14:45 Panel 2 — Imagined Lands: Constructing Empire and Space Chair: Shiru Lim (UCL)

Paul Butcher (Graz) The Golden Dream of the Nations: Imagining European Unity in the Danubian region

Matthias Wong (Cambridge) Imagining Ice and Infinity: Constructions of Place in the Antarctic and Outer Space Treaties

14:45 — 15:00 Coffee

15:00 — 16:45 Panel 3 — Man, God and the City Chair: Sarah J. Wilford (KCL)

Giuseppe Cumella (Northwestern) Education in the Ideal City: Aristotle on Performance & Political Judgement

Ian Graffy (Cambridge) Tolerance and the Imagination in Spinoza’s Thought

Daniel Zimmer (Cornell) The Time of Technology: Eschaton and Apocalypse in Carl Schmitt

16:45 — 17:00 Coffee

17:00 — 18:30 Keynote Lecture Chair: Angus Gowland (UCL)

Melissa Lane (Princeton) Imagined Scenarios: Plato as rival to Thucydides in Republic VIII

18:30 — 19:30 Drinks reception

Day 2 — Friday, 1 July 2016

09:30 — 11:15 Panel 4 — Labour and Prefigurative Politics in Radical Utopias Chair: Shane Horwell (UCL)

Rutger Ceballos (QMUL/UCL) Looking Backward to the Future: Edward Bellamy and the Promise of Utopian Modernity

Cailean Gallagher (QMUL/UCL) The Breeding of Pleasant Work: the Political Economy of William Morris’s Communism

Amelia Horgan (QMUL/UCL) The Labour of Self-Knowledge: Gustav Landaeur and Romantic Anarchism

11:15 — 11:30 Coffee

11:30 — 13:15 Panel 5 — 17th and 18th c. Literary and Political Imaginations Chair: Vanessa Lim (QMUL)

Lydia Mihailovic (QMUL)“And so a World of Worlds”: Margaret Cavendish and the Poetics of World Plurality

Alvin Chen (Oxford) Why not an Hyperborean Island? Imagined World and Commercial Society in George Berkeley’s Querist

Adam Neikirk (Westfield State) Frost at Midnight: The Coleridge-Crèvecoeur Connection

13:15 — 14:15 Lunch

14:15 — 16:00 Panel 6 — Utopias in Practice Chair: Max Skjönsberg (LSE)

Anna Neima (Cambridge) The Inner Life of a Utopia: ‘Psycho-social Reorganisation’ at Dartington Hall, 1924-1939

Jonah Coe-Scharff (Cambridge) Urban Planning as Utopian Political Theory: Lewis Mumford and Paul Goodman, 1930-1947

Merve Fejzula (Cambridge) Diaspora as Imagined Community: The First Congress of Black Writers and Artists, 1956

16:15 — 16:30 Coffee

16:30 — 18:00 Concluding Roundtable Discussion – on ‘Imagined Worlds in the History of Political Thought’Chairs: Vanessa Lim (QMUL) and Shiru Lim (UCL)

Quentin Skinner (QMUL) Joanne Paul (NCH) Gareth Stedman Jones (QMUL) Gregory Claeys (RHUL)