Sponsored by the Royal Historical Society and History UK.
Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th July 2021 (2 x half-day events)
Participants in this two-day interactive workshop, sponsored by History UK and the Royal Historical Society, will develop their understanding of key issues relating to teaching History in higher education, from innovations in teaching and learning (including the shift online during the pandemic) and curriculum design to teaching seminar groups and preparing for the academic job market.
All those who are new to teaching History in higher education – i.e. about to begin or recently-started – are eligible to apply, including PhD students, postdocs, ECRs and new lecturers. We welcome applicants from beyond the UK, although elements of the event will be tailored specifically to UK HE contexts. The workshop will be delivered by a group of experienced and innovative teachers of History in HE. There will be a blend of pre-recorded and ‘live’ presentations. Participants should be prepared to engage actively in the sessions; we will be leaving plenty of time for questions and discussion!
Register for the workshop here
Wednesday 14th July
9.30-9.40: Jamie Wood (Lincoln), Welcome
9.40-10.40: Curriculum Design
- Elaine Fulton (Birmingham), The Subject Benchmark Statement in History
- Jamie Wood (Lincoln), What to consider when designing courses in History
10.40-10.50: break
10.50-11.50: Pandemic Pedagogies
- Jon Chandler (UCL), Team Teaching: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
- Lucie Matthews-Jones (Liverpool John Moores), Jamboarding in the Classroom: Enhancing Seminar Participation in the Digital Classroom
- Katie Carpenter (Lincoln), Preparing for the Unexpected for Online Teaching
11.50-12.00: break
12.00-1.00: Classroom Craft
- Max Jones (Manchester), The lecture (pre-recorded)
- Jamie Wood (Lincoln), Small group teaching
Thursday 15th July
9.30-9.40: Welcome (Jamie Wood, Lincoln)
9.40-10.40: History Students
- Will Bailey-Watson (Reading), School History: the what, how and why of your Undergraduates’ experience of history in secondary school
- David Ingledew (Hertfordshire), Hurdle or Ladder?: Supporting the transition from school to university history
10.40-10.50: break
10.50-11.50: Decolonising the Curriculum in Practice
- Shahmima Akhtar (Royal Holloway) and Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo (Lincoln)
11.50-12.00: break
12.00-1.00: Looking Ahead
- Marcus Collins (Loughborough), Post-Pandemic Pedagogy in History (pre-recorded)
- Catherine Armstrong (Loughborough), Teaching and Building your Academic Career
1.00-1.15: Conclusions (Jamie Wood, Lincoln)