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Date / time: 8 October - 10 June, 5:15 pm
Past and Present Room, Institute of Historical Research

Institute of Historical Research European History Seminar, 1500-1800
Convenors: Zoltan Biedermann, Liesbeth Corens, Silvia Evangelisti, Filippo de Vivo, Joël Félix, John Henderson, Kat Hill, Julian Swann
Mondays at 17.15 unless otherwise stated Past & Present Room, IHR Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Autumn Term 2018
- 8 October 2019: Charlotta Forss (Bodleian Library, Oxford) ‘The map as medium and message: a 17th-century Swedish geographer and the discovery of Atlantis’.
- 22 October 2018: Karoline Cook (RHUL), ‘Elusive networks? Analysing the lives of Moriscos enslaved in elite households in colonial Spanish America’.
- 5 November 2018: Mack Holt (George Mason), ‘The politics of wine in early modern Burgundy’.
- 19 November 2018: Susannah Ivanic (Kent), ‘Supernatural Matter: Enchantment and the Everyday in Early Modern Prague’.
- 29 November 2018: Maria Pia Donato (CNRS, Paris), Serena Ferente (KCL), Giorgio Riello (Warwick) and Joseph Viscomi (Birkbeck): Storia mondiale d’Italia (RomeBari,Laterza, 2017), joint discussion with Medieval/Early Modern and Modern Italy seminars: Woolfson 1 – note change of date and venue
- 3 December 2018: Benjamin Bernard (Princeton), ‘Visible hands: mœurs, sexuality, and the state at the collèges Mazarin and Dornans-Beauvais, 1660-1760’.
- 10 December 2018: Carlo Ginzburg (UCLA) ‘Scale, chance and bias’, a conversation with Filippo de Vivo: Birkbeck, Clore Centre, 6pm, note change of date/venue
Spring Term 2019
- 14 January 2019: Paolo Savoia (KCL), ‘Cheesemaking in the Scientific Revolution: Dairy Products and The History of Early Modern European Knowledge’.
- 28 January 2019: Olga Witmer (Cambridge), ‘Those are far happier who become wholly Africans’: Germans at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1806’.
- 11 February 2019: Gregory Hanlon (Dalhousie) ‘After mentalités: Human nature under the microscope of Ancien regime judicial archives’.
- 25 February 2019: Raffaella Sarti (Urbino), title tbc.
- 11 March 2019: Matthew Laube (Birkbeck), ‘Music, Conflict and Devotion: Towards a Sonic History of the Netherlandish Home, 1520-1635’.
Summer Term 2019
- 10 June 2019: Marisa Linton (Kingston) ‘230 Years Since the French Revolution: Time to Rethink the Terror?’ Joint session with Modern French History seminar: Wolfson NB02: note change of venue and date