Church Monuments Society: forthcoming events
20 May 2017: study day at Lichfield Cathedral with lectures on medieval and post-medieval effigies (including those by Chantrey, Epstein, Hollins and Westmacott).
24 June 2017: Memorials in the Marches (Ludlow), in conjunction with the Ludlow Palmers. A study day exploring the fine set of memorials to people associated with the Council of Wales and the Marches over the period 1550–1650.
28 October 2017: Brecon. An informal study day exploring the outstanding collections of ledgerstones in the Cathedral and the monuments of Christ College, with introductory lectures on the rich heritage of commemorative verse in Welsh.
17 March 2018: advance notice of ‘Interpreting Medieval Monuments: Iconography and Meaning’, one-day conference in London.
More details of these and other events at http://www.churchmonumentssociety.org/cms%20events.html .