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Date / time: 16 January - 3 July, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Birkbeck, University of London
2015 Programme of Speakers and Lectures
16 January 2015, 6.30 pm: Dr Susan Anderson, Leeds Trinity, Representing Early Modern Disability
6 February 2015,6.30 pm: Dr Simon Smith, University of Oxford, Hearing, Seeing and Feeling Music in the Early Modern Playhouse,
21 February 2015, Annual Conference, Feast or Famine (free of charge and open to all. Please note that this is an afternoon conference)
6 March 2015,6.30 pm: Dr William Pettigrew, University of Kent, Royal African Company and the Development of the English Slave Trade, c 1670-1750.
17 April 2015,6.30 pm: Dr Linda Grant, From pornographic sparrows to Nashe’s dildo: exploring the erotic in early modern literature.
8 May 2015, 6.30 pm: Dr Philip Mansel, Louis XIV and Nationalism.
5 June 2015,6.30 pm: Dr Alixe Bovey, University of Kent, The Guildhall Giants, Lord Mayors Pageants and political dialects 1600-1750.
3 July 2015,6.30 pm: Professor Peter Mack, Renaissance Rhetoric as Questions about Literature, with special reference to Hamlet and Tom Jones, followed by our summer party.
Please note that these events are free of charge to members. Membership for the academic year to October 2015 costs just £7. Single events are £4 for non members. Drinks and nibbles are provided after each lecture.
To become a member all you need to do is to turn up at any of our events and pay the charge.
Please do spread the word about the Birkbeck Early Modern Society. If you know of anyone who would like to be on our mailing list then please ask them to email Dr Laura Jacobs, Secretary, Early Modern Society, at bbkems@gmail.com
For details of our aims and events please see http://www.bbk.ac.uk/history/about-us/societies-student-groups/early-modern-society
Unless otherwise specified the charge for each event is: members free (membership £7), non-members £4, donations welcome.
Our Blog http://www.emintelligencer.org.uk