The Bibliography of British and Irish History

18 August 2023

Since 2009 the Royal Historical Society has worked with the Institute of Historical Research (IHR) and the publisher Brepols to fund and manage the Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH). 

From January 2025 the RHS will be ending its formal association with the Bibliography, which will proceed as a partnership between the IHR and Brepols. The Bibliography will continue, as presently, with a dedicated Editor, Section Editors, and publication of regular updates of bibliographic records. Funding is now in place to support this new IHR / Brepols partnership, and the Bibliography.  

Professor Roey Sweet, who currently serves as BBIH’s Academic Director, will continue in this role. In addition, Brepols will enable members of the RHS to remain eligible for individual subscriptions to the Bibliography at discounted rates. Until January 2025, the Society will continue to provide its present levels of support for the Bibliography, including a smooth hand over to the new arrangement.

The Society’s decision to end its involvement with the Bibliography was taken by the RHS Council following a recent review of the Society’s wider publishing strategy. This considered how the RHS best uses its limited resources to support a range of existing and new academic publishing, now and in the future. More on these developments and new initiatives will be made public in the coming months.

The Society would like to thank all those involved with the Bibliography during this transition phase. In particular, we wish to thank editorial, and other, staff at the Institute of Historical Research and at Brepols, and Professor Sweet for her considerable contribution to the Bibliography.

More on these forthcoming management changes is also available here from the Institute of Historical Research.