Allocation of research funding is central to the Society’s work of supporting historians and historical research.
In 2022 the Society awarded £125,000 in funding to historians through open competitions and in one-off programmes, generously assisted by partner organisations and donors.
From February 2023, the Society launches its new range of funding programmes for historians, within and outside Higher Education, and at all career stages.
Further details of our new Research Funding programmes for 2023 are available here.

Funding is now available in the following three categories:
- Postgraduate Research Funding – a range of scholarships, fellowships and grants for those studying for a History Masters degree or PhD
- Early Career Research Funding – a range of grants for historians within 3 years of completing a doctorate in History
- Open Research Funding – grant options for historians further on from PhD completion, or in mid / later career employed in Higher Education or in other sectors aligned to history
In addition, the Society also offers the following annual programmes in 2023:
- Workshop Grants – enabling groups of historians, at any career stage, to come together to discuss projects in detail: introduced in 2022 and running for its second year in 2023
- Jinty Nelson Teaching Grants – a new scheme to facilitate innovative and creative teaching practice: to be launched in Spring/Summer 2023

Applicants for Royal Historical Society funding must be members of the Society, with several exceptions at Postgraduate level. To find out how to become a Fellow, Associate Fellow, Member or Postgraduate Member, please see our Join Us page.
For more on the Society’s funding opportunities in 2023, please visit the Research Funding area of our website. Here you’ll find details of each grant programme arranged according to career stage; which programmes are currently accepting applications; closing dates; and how to apply for a specific grant.
HEADER IMAGE: Bowl with a scholar, anon, c.1575-99, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, public domain.
TEXT IMAGE: The Ladies Bill of Fare, or, a Copious Collection of Beaux, 1795, plate, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, public domain.