Early Career Membership – Notes for Applicants

1.   Early Career Membership of the RHS allows individuals to keep abreast of and benefit from the Society’s activities.

2.   Early Career Membership is available to all those registered for a postgraduate research degree in a historical subject at institutions within or outside the UK. You may only submit your application once your period of study has commenced.

3.   Early Career Membership is also available to historical researchers who apply within two years of submitting their corrected PhD.

4.   Early Career Membership lasts for five years, with the option of extension for a further two years in particular cases. We would expect that ECR Members will apply to become Members or seek election to the Fellowship after this time.

5.   Individuals who are elected to the Early Career Membership of the Society may subsequently apply for election to the Membership or Fellowship. (Note: use of the letters ‘FRHistS’ is restricted to Fellows only, and there is no equivalent title for Early Career Members or Members.)

6.   Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. They will be considered at the following meeting of the Membership Committee. The Committee’s recommendations pass for ratification to the Society’s Council. Applicants will be informed once a decision has been made.

7.   Early Career Members benefit from free membership.

8.   Applications must be made online, and must be accompanied by a registration letter for your period of study OR proof of PhD submission date.

All enquiries about applying for election to the Early Career Membership should be addressed to the RHS office: membership@royalhistsoc.org.

Apply for ECR Membership online