Humanities Research Centre, University of York
Recent years have seen the study of early modern theatre cultures turn towards the transnational and global. The long and prolific career of Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) as a poet, translator and man of the stage offers opportunities for considering the interconnections between different European traditions and their material and intellectual connections to a globalizing world of economic expansion, emergent colonial empires, and missionary networks. Linking stage traditions and reading authors and traditions across national boundaries and against the grain will shed new light on critical problems concerning the European and global Baroque and the connections between classicism, Restoration and early Enlightenment. This conference seeks to encourage a dialogue between early modern scholars from different disciplines including literary history, art history, theatre studies and intellectual history, and different intellectual traditions.
Conference website: https://www.york.ac.uk/crems/events/2023-24/early-modern-stage-baroque-enlightenment/