The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: A Short History – LECTURE

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Date / time: 22 January, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

London School of Economics

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: A Short History - LECTURE


“As threats from nuclear weapons reappear in conflicts in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, it is timely to revisit the history of the antinuclear movement.”

Martin Shaw will talk about his new book The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Agenda Publishing), the first academic overview of the movement in Britain to appear this century. The book discusses the movement’s political dilemmas, including the relationships between mainstream political campaigning and direct action (like the Greenham women’s peace camp) which have been at its heart from its origins in the 1950s, as well as its links to other antiwar and social movements and changes in left-wing politics.

To discuss the book, Martin will be joined by LSE academics Dr. Luke Cooper, chair of Another Europe is Possible, and Professor Mary Kaldor, who was central to the European Nuclear Disarmament (END) movement in the 1980s, which helped remove intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe – although during his first term, Donald Trump opened the way for their return when he withdrew the USA from the treaty that banned them.

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