Call for Papers, deadline – 16 October 2024
This conference marks sixty years since the LCC was disbanded and will be hosted by the London School of Architecture in March 2025. It aims to build on Andrew Saint’s collection of essays, Politics and the People of London: The London County Council, 1889-1965 (1989) with the author noting the LCC’s contribution being ‘crucial to the growth of and development of modern London.’ This event will also act as a follow-up to the findings of the March 2002 ‘London County Council Architecture, 1945-1965’ conference hosted by the Twentieth Century Society (Andrew Saint and Elain Harwood) along with the Architectural Association. This provided the opportunity for staff and a wider audience to reminisce, but also reassess, the impact of the LCC nearly 40 years after its demise.
Sixty years on, we are in a social, cultural and political climate both removed from, and with similarities to, the LCC years. We are interested in receiving papers lasting 20 minutes based on (but not limited to) the following themes, and welcome suggestions of presentations in other formats to create a diverse and rich programme. We welcome scholars from a range of backgrounds and career statuses.
- The First 50 Years of the LCC
- The Last 20 Years of the LCC
- War and Emergency
- Council in operation/politics/workforce
- Town planning/new and expanding towns/housing and neighbourhood design
- Roads and Traffic
- Parks and Open Spaces
- Schools, adult education and children’s services
- Cultural Activities
- Relationships
- International influences
- Adaptation/reuse
The LCC 60 organisers plan to create a future special issue for an academic journal to mark this event and would be interested in contributions to that issue. Regarding the conference, please send a 200-word abstract with a short bio to by 16th October 2024.
Thank you,
Dr. Ruth Lang, Dr. Dawn Pereira and Rosamund Lily West, LCC 60 organisers.
Image: Wiki Commons