University of Wolverhampton
This one-day conference considers the role of police forces and gendarmeries globally, in times of war, on both home fronts and in theatres of war in the Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries.
The conference will take place at the Springfield Campus of the University of Wolverhampton WV10 0JR between 9.30am and 4pm.
Keynote: Professor Gary Sheffield – ‘”Well done, the Coppers”: the operational role of British Empire provost in the Second World War’.
Dr Philip Blood – ‘Sicherheitskrieg: The German concept of policing and the struggle against militarism, 1918-2024.
Detective Inspector Helen Lomas from the UK’s War Crimes Investigation Unit (based within the MPS) will be speaking about aspects of their work.
Dr David J. Cox – ‘A bit of a sticky situation?: Policing and jam-making in the First World War’.
Dr Hannah Wilkinson – ‘Capitals of war: Soldiering, policing, and occupation in the 21st century’.
Dr Bettina Blum – ‘Poison dwarfs’ and the ‘second battle of Minden’: Policing pub brawls, solving conflicts, mediating cultures: Royal Military Police and German civil police in German garrison towns, 1955-2019.
Tea and Coffee throughout the day, buffet lunch provided.
This event is co-funded by the British Society of Criminology, the Society for the History of War, and the Police History Society.
To book, please follow the following Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/policing-and-war-conference-tickets-972031571597?aff=oddtdtcreator