PhD Studentship Opportunities: The Material Culture of Wills

Date / time: 6 February, All day

PhD Studentship Opportunities: The Material Culture of Wills


Two studentships are available on the Leverhulme Trust funded project ‘The Material Culture of Wills, England 1540.

The studentships include full tuition fees and maintenance allowance, and are available to UK candidates. The application deadline is 6 February 2024.

The successful applicants will join a project team that are using cutting-edge digital humanities techniques to automate the transcription of 25,000 wills from the National Archives. They will be provided with a pre-populated database of these wills to analyse for their PhD research. The PhDs will be jointly supervised by Professor Jane Whittle and Dr Laura Sangha (University of Exeter). For more information and to apply please visit:

Global Commodities in Early Modern Wills.

Gender and the Material Culture of Wills: England 1540-1790.