The next seminar in the 2024 Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution (CHORD) on-line seminar programme will be taking place on Monday 25 March 2024 (UK times)
Find out more here:
The programme on 25 March is:
10.00 Seminar opens – welcome
10.05 – 10.35 David Brown, independent scholar, UK, ‘An honest, industrious and useful description of people’ or ‘Persons of infamous character’: What was the role of itinerant retailing in social and economic development since the Middle Ages?
10.40 – 11.10 Ellie Brown, University of Warwick, UK, John Lewis: Partnership in Shopping Centre Development, 1969-1982
11.10 – 11.20 Break
11.20 – 11.50 William G. Clarence-Smith, SOAS University of London, UK, and Hirohito Sugibayashi, Kobe University, Japan, Distributing Japanese coral and cultured pearls abroad, 1870s to 1941
11.55 – 12.35 Two ‘work in progress’ ten-minute presentations:
Zoë Hendon, Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture (MoDA), Middlesex University, UK, “Colour in the Home:” Grace Lovat Fraser as interwar design consultant
Paula Martin, Manchester Metropolitan University and the National Trust at Saltram, UK, Shop local: the Parker family of Saltram and shopping in Plymouth in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
Participation is free, but registration is required. If you would like to attend one or more seminars, please e-mail Laura Ugolini at: l.ugolini@wlv.ac.uk specifying which dates you would like to attend.
For further information, including programme and abstracts of all 2024 seminars, please see:
Or e-mail Laura Ugolini at: l.ugolini@wlv.ac.uk
Image: Detail of William P. Chappel, Fly Market, 1870s, The Edward W. C. Arnold Collection of New York Prints, Maps, and Pictures, Bequest of Edward W. C. Arnold, 1954. https://www.metmuseum.org