Cardiff University
Conference: How to talk about peace while waging war?
10 January 2025 | Cardiff University
Call for Papers, deadline – 30 September 2024
Click to download the Call for Papers
Organisers: Dr Giada Lagana, on behalf of the Island of Ireland Contemporary History and Politics Network (IOICHP).
About the Event: This event is organised in partnership with the Leverhulme Trust; the GW4 Alliance, the Irish Association for Contemporary European Studies (IACES), and the Wales Governance Centre.
With the world’s attention focused on conflict in Ukraine and on the situation in the Middle-East it is increasingly difficult to talk about peace. Maximalist demands have emerged on all sides. The devastation that has followed the escalation of conflicts in many areas of the planet has left people with little appetite for compromise, and few are in the mood for peace-making. However, the real question is always: does a clear endgame to exit war exist? What peace is? For whom and where does it take place?
The objective of this one-day symposium is to reflect on how to approach peace in contemporary times. Prospective participants are welcome to reflect on the topic from any theoretical, geographical and empirical viewpoints, drawing comparative lessons from the past and the present, including (but not limited to):
- Reconciliation in divided societies (or nations);
- Migrants and refugees;
- Development and ecological destruction;
- Historical and territorial disputes;
- Peacemaking or mediation in intrastate conflicts;
- Violence and transitional justice;
- Anti-nuclear weapons (or anti-nuclear plants) movements;
- Women in wars;
- Democratic transition and human rights;
- Post-conflict institutionalization;
- Humanitarian assistance and protection;
The conference organisers especially would like to encourage Early-Career-Researchers (ECRs) and PhD candidates to participate to the symposium.
Proposal Submission Guidelines
- Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words and clearly state the objective(s), methodology, findings, and implications of the study.
- Please identify a minimum of 4, and a maximum of 7, keywords reflecting the title of your paper.
- All submissions must be sent electronically by email: laganag@cardiff.ac.uk
- Please indicate ‘2025 Peace Conference’ in the subject line.
Submissions should include the following information:
Title of the paper;
Name(s) of the author(s);
Affiliation(s) and contact details;
Brief biography of the author(s) (up to 150 words);
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024.
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: October 31, 2024.
Full Paper and PowerPoint Submission Deadline: January 3rd, 2025.
Participation is Free of Charge