The talks programme of the Friends of The Women’s Library recommences on 20 September, when Kate Murphy will be speaking on her latest research on women at the BBC. Her latest publication, Hilda Matheson, co-authored with Michael Carney, tells the story of ‘one of the most important women behind the scenes in Britain’s public life between the wars and an influential networker between feminist, media and political powers.’
This will be a hybrid meeting, taking place in Room 01 in LSE Library – please join us there in person from 2.00 pm, and please let us know in advance by emailing clay.catherine@gmail.com by 18 September. This is to help with catering and to meet LSE Library’s request to notify them of numbers.
You may also Zoom us from 2.30 pm on:
Meeting ID: 814 654 8491
Passcode: 893463
Image: Wiki Commons – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.