The Herbal History Research Network aims to connect people who share common interests in researching the history of herbal medicine. The network is celebrating its 15th anniversary on Wednesday 19 March 2025 (14.30 – 17.15 GMT) with an online seminar titled Evolving Traditions: Influences on Western Herbal Practice.
The programme features a diverse range of speakers to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of herbal research: Prof Mark Nesbitt (Senior Research Leader, Kew), Prof Elisabeth Hsu (University of Oxford), Simon Mills (Medical Herbalist), Dr Deborah Moretti (Hereford University), Dr Peter Jones (Nottingham Trent University), and John Hunnex (Curator Natural History Museum).
This event will be livestreamed, and the recording will be available to view for registered attendees for 3 months. Tickets are now available through Eventbrite priced at £20 for general admission or £15 for students. All ticket sales and donations are used to fund our website, study groups, student travel bursaries and research events. We will send you a pdf of the speakers’ abstracts & bios when you register.
In addition, we are sending out a call for postgraduate student poster abstracts and successful submissions will be published on the HHRN website. Posters will be judged on the day of the seminar with the winner receiving a book token and being invited to write a blog post for the summer. To submit a poster abstract complete the form https://forms.gle/qfEVYudn72wb9usC8 by 07 February. Accepted abstracts will be notified week commencing 10 February.
For more details about the group please visit our website: Seminars & Events – Herbal History Research Network. We look forward to seeing you online!