Catholics in Conflict, 1914-1945 – CALL FOR PAPERS

Date / time: 10 May, 11:59 pm

Catholics in Conflict, 1914-1945 - CALL FOR PAPERS


Call for Papers, deadline – 10 May 2024

The Roman Catholic Church has been impacted by conflicts of different kinds since its earliest emergence as an institution, but has adapted and endured. This has been especially true in relation to the two World Wars, the political and social battlegrounds during the interwar period, as well as several smaller wars and conflicts. This symposium invites submissions that examine the distinctive role of the Catholic Church and Catholic Institutions, Catholic theologians and public figures, or ordinary people identifying as Catholic or working within Catholic contexts responding to conflicts of all kinds between 1914 and 1945. These might include experiences of and responses to particular military actions, or more localised conflicts like the Spanish Civil War, or warfare in general; navigating geopolitical shifts like the rise of fascism/communism and the tensions of global empires; and the great social and economic changes associated with the Great Depression, new technologies, and the modernization/secularization of society.

This one-day in-person symposium endeavours to generate new opportunities for inter-disciplinary academic interaction and potential publication projects around the theme of Catholicism and conflict. We invite submissions for short exploratory 5-minute presentations, and full 20-minute papers for more developed research. In addition, we welcome proposals for round-table discussions. The symposium is open to academics across fields and career stages; current doctoral students and early career postdocs are especially encouraged to apply. Please feel free to contact the organisers if you have any questions about presentation formats.

Proposals should include a title, an abstract of <300 words, your current or most recent academic affiliation, and one page CV. Please state whether you are submitting for a short or a full paper.

Please submit all proposals to and by
10 May 2024.