External Events Listings

In addition to its own Events programme, the RHS provides listings for a wide range of external events and activities on behalf of the historical community. These external events include conferences, symposia, seminars and lectures, as well as ‘calls for papers’, and prize deadlines.

  • Browse the full listing below or use the navigation to select external events by category.
  • You can submit an event for consideration here, or via the link below.
  • RHS Fellows and Members receive a weekly News Circular (example: 10 August 2023) with details of Society activities and the latest external events.

Please note: listing is not an indication of the Royal Historical Society’s support for an event, and we remind organisers of the recommendations in our 2018 reports on Race, Ethnicity and Equality and Gender Equality: events in the discipline should be diverse and inclusive.


Would you like to promote your history event or activity on the Royal Historical Society listing? If so please complete our form via this link.

Submit your notice here


  Date / time Event
Centre for Comparative Modernities Autumn Term 2024/25 Workshop Series - WORKSHOPS 15 October - 12 November
2:00 pm
Centre for Comparative Modernities Autumn Term 2024/25 Workshop Series - WORKSHOPS
Technological & Ideological Modernities (Comparative Modernities Autumn Term Workshop Series 2024/25) - WORKSHOP 15 October
2:00 pm
Technological & Ideological Modernities (Comparative Modernities Autumn Term Workshop Series 2024/25) - WORKSHOP
The Problem with (Historical) Processes: Reflections on an Undertheorized Topic - LECTURE 15 October
5:30 pm
The Problem with (Historical) Processes: Reflections on an Undertheorized Topic - LECTURE
German Historical Institute London (and via Zoom), London WC1A 2NJ
Converging Influences in the History of Western Herbal Medicine & Practice - CONFERENCE 16 October
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Converging Influences in the History of Western Herbal Medicine & Practice - CONFERENCE
The Medical Society of London, London W1G 9EB
Sixty years on from the London County Council: Legacy, Impact, Learning - CALL FOR PAPERS 16 October
11:59 pm
Sixty years on from the London County Council: Legacy, Impact, Learning - CALL FOR PAPERS
Performing Magic in the pre-Modern North October 2024 Conference - CONFERENCE 17 October - 18 October
All day
Performing Magic in the pre-Modern North October 2024 Conference - CONFERENCE
20th Anniversary Lecture: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Past, Present, and Future - LECTURE 17 October
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
20th Anniversary Lecture: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Past, Present, and Future - LECTURE
The Chancellor’s Hall, London, Malet Street London
Taming the Land? Power, Exploitation and Awe in Medieval Scotland | Dr Fiona Watson delivers the second Jenny Wormald Lecture - LECTURE 18 October
5:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Taming the Land? Power, Exploitation and Awe in Medieval Scotland | Dr Fiona Watson delivers the second Jenny Wormald Lecture - LECTURE
Cowane’s Hospital, Stirling (and Online), Stirling FK8 1ED
Call for Chapter Contributions: Clerical Lives in England and Wales, c. 1600–1800 - CALL FOR PAPERS 18 October
11:59 pm
Call for Chapter Contributions: Clerical Lives in England and Wales, c. 1600–1800 - CALL FOR PAPERS
The South-West and the Napoleonic Wars - SYMPOSIUM 19 October
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
The South-West and the Napoleonic Wars - SYMPOSIUM
Regional Heritage Centre, UWE, Bristol, Coldharbour Lane Bristol
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