Research Funding_main redraft for Feb


The allocation of research funding is central to the Society’s work of supporting historians and historical research.

In 2022 the Society awarded £95,000 in funding to historians through open competitions and a further £30,000 in one-off programmes, generously assisted by partner organisations and donors.

Funding is available to historians at three career stages. Please follow the links for further information on grants available:

The Society runs two additional funding programmes open to historians at all career stages. Please follow the links for more on our annual:

In each case (with the exception of selected Postgraduate grants), applicants for RHS funding must be members of the Society. To do so, please see our Join Us page.

All enquiries about Research Funding should be sent to the Society’s Membership and Administration Officer at:

HEADER IMAGE: Bowl with a scholar, anon, c.1575-99, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, public domain