The Royal Historical Society seeks the election of two Councillors in 2023 to replace serving Council members who are stepping down in November of this year. Nominations for candidates for election are now invited. Closing date for nominations: Friday 25 August 2023.
In accordance with By-law XXIV, Fellows of the Royal Historical Society are invited to nominate for election Fellows willing to serve as Councillors for a term of four years commencing December 2023.
Nominations must be supported by one Proposer and four Seconders, who are Ordinary, Retired or Emeritus Fellows of the Society. The Society desires that the membership of its Council be fully representative of the community of historians in the United Kingdom.
Please see the Society’s website for the institutional affiliations and subject expertise of current Members of Council.
Those elected become trustees of the Royal Historical Society. Councillors are expected to attend all or most of the five annual Council meetings, to attend at least one of the Society’s regional visits or symposia, to serve on one or more committee and to assist the Society in other ways as needed.
Council and most committee meetings are held on Fridays at the Society’s office in London, with the option to join online / via teleconference if necessary. Councillors are encouraged to attend as many meetings in person as possible. Expenses for economy travel and accommodation are reimbursed by the Society.
The Councillors stepping down, or transferring to another role, in November 2023 are: Professor Barbara Bombi and Professor Thomas Otte.
To Submit a Nomination for Election
Nominations should be made via the RHS Applications Portal: (selecting the ‘Elections to Council’ option).
Fellows wishing to stand for election are required to submit a short statement, and then to contact one Proposer and four Seconders via the Application Portal. Proposers in turn submit their supporting statement, and Seconders their electronic signature, via the Portal. Completed nominations are then submitted by the Fellow who wishes to stand for election.
For clarity, all ‘Proposer’ and ‘Seconder’ statements of support must be submitted before the end of the application period.
Fellows wishing to discuss the role of an RHS Councillor prior to standing are very welcome to contact Professor Emma Griffin, President of the Royal Historical Society, to discuss the role and work of the Society:
The closing date for nominations is: 11.59PM on Friday 25 August 2023.
The election period will begin soon after the closing date, with further details circulated at that time. Results of the election are expected to be announced in late October / early November, ahead of the Anniversary Meeting (24 November 2023).