New to Teaching History 2022: An Interactive Workshop, 14-15 September 2022

In September 2022 the Royal Historical Society, in partnership with History UK, organised an interactive workshop hosted by Professor Jamie Wood (Lincoln). This workshop aimed to open discussions on the challenges and opportunities of teaching History at UK universities, and provide higher education teachers with effective pedagogical skills and techniques.
This workshop consisted of eight sessions of 45-50 minutes each, where experienced historians specialising in innovative pedagogy introduced and discussed approaches to History teaching.
Each presentation was designed for those new to or who’ve recently begun History teaching in Higher Education. Topics include writing and presenting a History lecture; working in large and small seminar groups; teaching online; teaching creatively; and providing constructive assessment to students.
The eight presentations are now available as videos, click for more information
- Peter D’Sena (Hertfordshire) – ‘Decoding the Discipline’
- Max Jones (Manchester) – ‘The History Lecture’
- Jon Coburn (Lincoln) – ‘Small Group Teaching in History’
- Katie Carpenter (Leeds) – ‘Online Teaching in History’
- Michael Barany (Edinburgh) – ‘Module design and delivery: challenges and opportunities’
- Lucie Matthews-Jones (Liverpool John Moores) – ‘Creativity in History Curricula’
- Jon Chandler (UCL) – ‘Coordinating Large Classes in History’
- Sarah Holland (Nottingham) – ‘Assessment and Feedback in History’