William Crashawe’s Library and the Circulation of Books at the Inns of Court in the Early 17th Century

Date / time: 15 February, 5:30 pm - 7:45 pm

William Crashawe's Library and the Circulation of Books at the Inns of Court in the Early 17th Century


William Crashawe, preacher at the Temples from 1605 to 1613, had a library built in chambers adjoining the Temple Church, which provided a meeting place and point of exchange at a time when he was establishing his reputation in print as a religious controversialist. After Crashawe lost his position at the Temple, his library was broken up, and his books kept in different locations in London. Nonetheless, Crashawe’s books continued to draw visitors and foster religious debate, especially during the politically heated early 1620’s, often through networks of association maintained from his time at the Temples.

Professor Michelle O’Callaghan (Professor of Early Modern Literature, University of Reading, and Director of the Early Modern Research Centre (EMRC))

In person and livestreamed from Temple Church (Temple, London, EC4Y 7BB)
Doors open: 5.30pm
Lecture: 6pm – 7.15pm
Reception: 7.15pm – 7.45pm

Tickets: £11.30

To book: www.innertemple.org.uk/crashawe
Non-Members: Please scroll beneath the Members Login box and click Add Ticket.