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Date / time: 20 October, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
St Martin-at-Palace Church

What is an appropriate (re)use for a church? Centre for Parish Church Studies Conference
The keynote speaker will be Prof William Whyte (St John’s College, Oxford): Unlocking the Church: twenty-first century dilemmas.
Other papers will be:
- Marcus van der Meulen (director, Ecclesastical Heritage Centre, Brussels): New use of historic churches: recent developments in Ghent.
- Molly Miller (PhD student, University of Edinburgh): Heritage and community in grassroots church reuse projects in Scotland.
- Dr Clare Haynes (Senior Research Associate, UEA): A ‘serious house on serious earth … that much can never be obsolete’: the case of St Peter Hungate and the potential of the redundant church.
- Geoffrey Hunter (Church Buildings Consultant, Diocese of Ely): Re-imagining the English country church: the case of Thorpe Market church.
Cost of day: £40.00 to include sandwich lunch, tea, coffee, etc (concessions £35.00)
Booking online at https://www.nhct-norwich.org/cpcs or by post to CPCS, St Martin-at-Palace Church, Norwich, NR3 1RW (cheques payable to CPCS).