What Do History Librarians Want?

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Date / time: 27 June, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Wolfson Conference Suite, Institute of Historical Research

What Do History Librarians Want?

A one-day workshop and Continuing Professional Development opportunity for librarians and information professionals in Higher Education.

The workshop will explore the changing role of the history subject librarian within the context of a focus on functional roles and broad subject support. Bringing together historians and librarians, this workshop will share best practice and explore how history librarianship can be supported and innovation encouraged.

Speakers include Isabel Holowaty (Oxford) on responding to the ‘global history shift’, Mary Fisk (SOAS) on work related to decolonising the curriculum and library and Nick Wyatt (Dana research centre and library, Science Museum) on engaging researchers with hidden collections.  Philip Carter (IHR digital) will also lead a discussion on the Bibliography of British and Irish History and the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, and the resources they offer for librarians.

The workshop offers a continuing professional development opportunities for librarians, and will offer opportunities for discussion about how the IHR and others might help support history subject librarians and others engaged with library support for historical research and teaching.Who should attend?History subject librarians and related LIS professionals, LIS students and researchers, historians with an interest in working more closely with their libraries and librarians, early career researchers and postgraduates considering a library career.

Fee:£15, including a sandwich lunch.

To book a place: http://www.history.ac.uk/events/event/15859

IHR travel bursaries on application to suitable candidates. Please contact the events officer if you wish to pay via invoice or other means.