King's College London
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: DAME HELENA KENNEDY, who is one of Britain’s most distinguished lawyers. She has spent her professional life giving voice to those who have least power within the system, championing civil liberties and promoting human rights. She has used many public platforms – including the House of Lords, to which she was elevated in 1997 – to argue with passion, wit and humanity for social justice. She has also written and broadcast on a wide range of issues, from medical negligence to terrorism to the rights of women and children.
CONCLUDING CONTRIBUTOR: Barbara Winton on the legacy of her late father, Sir Nicholas Winton
Confirmed Speakers:
- Dr Rachel Pistol (Royal Holloway) ‘ “Heavy is the responsibility for all the lives that might have been saved in the pre-war years”: British perceptions of refugees in the 1930s and 1940s’.
- Dr Joanna Newman (King’s College, London) ‘Could Britain have done more? A case study of potential rescue: Gibraltar Camp Jamaica and the Bermuda Conference’.
- Dr Susan Cohen (Honorary Fellow, Parkes Institute) ‘In memory of Eleanor Rathbone, so-called ‘MP for Refugees’.
- Dr Peter Anderson (University of Leeds) ‘Eleanor Rathbone and Refugees from the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939’.
- Diana Packer (Northumbria University) ‘Refugee or Alien? The long term influence of Eastern Jewish immigrants on the reception of German Jews in the Thirties.’
- Ms Lesley Urbach (Independent Researcher) ‘ Excuses, Excuses! Herbert Morrison and Britain’s Policy towards European Jews.’
- Dr Jennifer Craig-Norton (University of Southampton) ‘Misreading the Kindertransport as a ‘model’ refugee response in the 1930s and today’.
- Pierre Makhlouf (Assistant Director, Bail for Immigration Detainees) ‘Human rights of immigration detainees and deportees in a ‘hostile environment’.
- Cinead De Canntun (Kingston University, London) ‘Protecting people seeking asylum in the UK: A legal and welfare needs approach to the asylum determination process’ .
- Mr Maurice Wren, Chief Executive Refugee Council ‘Refugees are welcome here! How public opinion got ahead of Government policy in the summer of 2015 and stayed there’
Ticket price £ 20.00 to include refreshments throughout the day and a vegetarian sandwich lunch. To apply for a bursary please contact the organisers for information: Dr Susan Cohen drsusancohen@gmail.com or Ms Lesley Urbach lcurbach@aol.com.
To book tickets please go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/welcome-to-britainrefugees-then-now-booking-form-tickets-19976269560?ref=estw or to http://bit.ly/1XX5193
Courtesy of The Institute of Contemporary British History and with the support of TheParkes Institute at the University of Southampton and B’Nai B’Rith, Leo Baeck (London) Trust Fund. Organised by the ‘Remembering Eleanor Rathbone Group’ in conjunction with The Institute of Contemporary British History at King’s College London, The Wiener Library, Cara, the Refugee Council and JCORE