Call for Papers, deadline – 30 April 2022
Leicester Victorian Studies Centre is excited to announce its 2022 conference theme: Victorian Discoveries.
This one-day, in-person conference held by the Victorian Studies Centre at the University of Leicester seeks to celebrate the myriad discoveries and changes that took place across Victorian culture and society. In the long nineteenth century medical, scientific and technological innovation revolutionised ways of life. Knowledge was expanding and evolving, and being disseminated among ever-growing audiences and readerships. Literature, art, and fashion were full of experimentation and creativity. Victorian society was alive with the spirit of discovery.
Our conference aims to consider how Victorians responded to this change and the impact that it had on their lives. How did new discoveries and innovations shape perceptions of their society and culture? Did the Victorians welcome or resist change? Did these discoveries, inventions or innovations cater to or benefit all classes, genders and ethnicities?
We invite proposals for twenty-minute papers on any aspect of the theme and encourage scholars of all backgrounds and career stages to apply. Topics could include but are not limited to:
- Medical developments, inventions, and discovery.Literary innovation.
- Legal advancements.
- Pioneering individuals.
- Science, technology, and invention.
- New fashions.
- Exhibitions, collections, and curiosities.
- New methodologies and approaches to researching the Victorian era.
Please send your proposal of no more than 250 words and a short biography to by 30th April 2022.
Follow us on Twitter for more information: @VictorianDisco1
This student-led conference has been generously funded by the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities at the University of Leicester. It is free to attend for all delegates.