Large Seminar Room, Centre for Medical Humanities
CMH is pleased to announce its new seminar series. It takes place at 5.30 on Thursdays during term (see programme for exact dates). We meet in the large seminar room in the Centre for Medical Humanities, 7 Salisbury Road, Leicester. Everyone is welcome!
28 January 2016: Keir Waddington ‘Problems of Progress: Modernity and Writing the Social History of Medicine’
11 February 2016: Sanjoy Bhattacharya ‘The World Health Organization as Developed Country Largesse: Historical events, metropolitan fantasies or historiographical tyranny?’
25 February 2016: Holger Maehle ‘Medical Confidentiality in Comparative Historical Perspective: Britain, USA and Germany’
Jonathan Reinarz A History of Medical Education 10 March 2016
28 April 2016: Mark Jenner TBA
12 May 2016: Hilary Marland TBA