The Sky in Legend and Tradition – deadline 1 July 2020

Date / time: 5 September - 6 September, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

The Sky in Legend and Tradition - deadline 1 July 2020

This two-day conference on the Sky in Legend and Tradition will be held on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th September 2020 as the fifteenth Legendary Weekend of the Folklore Society, at the Medieval Hall in the Cathedral Close in Salisbury, SP1 2EY.

We’d welcome speakers on the lore of clouds and storms, dragons and angels, levitation and ufology, ornithomancy, astrology and the flying ships of Magonia. Anyone who can contribute – mythologists, meteorologists, singers, sky pilots, academics and Ascended Masters. Presentations, which should be 20 minutes long, can take the form of talks, performances, or art installations. For more information, see

The conference fee is £30 for speakers, £60 for others attending. If you would like to attend or to present a paper or performance, please contact, by 1st July: