The Northern Early Modern Network 3rd Annual Conference

Date / time: 27 March, 12:00 am



Call for Papers, deadline – 27 March 2023 | Conference 22-23 May 2023

Download the Call for Papers

The 2023 conference will be hosted by the University of Strathclyde and The Hunterian (University of Glasgow). The two-day conference will showcase the work of postgraduate researchers (at all stages) and will include an interactive workshop, and plenary papers by Dr David Wilson (Strathclyde) and Dr Kate Mathis (Glasgow).

This year’s theme is Outwith the ‘Early Modern’. Papers might include, but are not limited to, challenges to periodisation, the relationship between the early modern world and other periods and/or utilising modern research methods to approach the early modern period. This theme can be interpreted broadly, and any submissions on the early modern period will be considered.

Panels consisting of 15-20 minute papers will provide an opportunity for speakers to present longer papers about their research, whilst 5 minute ‘lightning talk’ sessions will offer the chance for speakers to give bitesize insights into their work and receive feedback. We strongly encourage submissions from all PGRs at any level, and recent graduates. The NEMN is a multidisciplinary network, and we hope that the conference will reflect a broad academic field; including, but not limited to, history, art history, literature, theology, and music.

As part of the event, an interactive workshop on ‘Minting Technology During the Early Modern Period’ will be hosted by The Hunterian. The session will utilise The Hunterian’s extensive numismatic collection to illustrate the history of minting technology in Great Britain during the early modern period and to provide attendees with the unique opportunity to engage with the material culture of this era. Further details on the workshop registration will be provided in due course, with priority being given to speakers/presenters, and other PGRs thereafter.

For paper submissions, please submit an abstract of c.250 words and a short biography (max 200 words). For lightning talks, please submit a short summary of your topic and a biography. Please confirm which formats you would like to be considered for. Any queries and/ or submissions should be directed to Submission deadline 1st March 2023.

All speakers will be informed of the outcome in early March and the full programme published at this date. Registration fees for PGRs will be supported by funding from the University of Glasgow and University of Strathclyde. Further information on PGR funding and wider registration will be available in due course.

Image: Wiki Commons