Royal College of Nursing Library and Heritage Centre (and online)
Join us in person or online for talks exploring the history and personal experiences of autism and neurodiversity.
In person only from 5-5.30 pm at the Royal College of Nursing for refreshments and a chance to look round our exhibition on the history of learning disability nursing.
Talks from 5.30 pm (in person and online): What is neurodiversity and where has it come from? Increased diagnostic rates of autism, the rise of the neurodiversity movement, and growing journalism have recently fuelled autism’s fame and controversy. Historian Bonnie Evans explores the metamorphosis of autism, explaining our current understanding of autism by linking it to a longer history of child development. Dean Beadle discusses his own path to understanding and celebrating his neurodivergence. He also challenges some of the myths and negative attitudes that autistic people still have to face in society.