A free talk by Prof Anne-Marie Kilday (University of Northampton)
This presentation will examine the brutal but unexplained murder of Marion Gilchrist in her apartment in Glasgow in 1908. The chief suspect in the case, Oscar Slater, left for America not long after the crime had occurred and for the Glasgow Police at least, he became the equivalent of Public Enemy Number One. Consequently, the police sought to do everything in their power to ensure they got their man. This was duly achieved, but year later in 1928, and after serving some two decades of his sentence at Peterhead Prison, Slater was the first prisoner in Scotland to be released (and have his conviction quashed) on appeal. But what was the truth behind the murder of Marion Gilchrist? What role did Oscar Slater have to play in her murder? And to what extent did the Glasgow Police force cause the biggest miscarriage of Justice in Scottish legal history?
This event is held jointly between the Northampton HA and the Centre for Historical Studies at the University of Northampton, and will have a hybrid format.
If you want to join online, please sign up via https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-case-of-oscar-slater-miscarriage-of-justice-or-murder-most-foul-tickets-568123953037
If you want to attend in person at the University of Northampton, please contact Matthew McCormack on matthew.mccormack@northampton.ac.uk
Image: Wiki Commons – ‘The victim’s room of the Oscar Slater case’