‘The Architectural Setting of Anglican Worship’ Revisited – CONFERENCE

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Date / time: 25 November, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Grimond Lecture Theatre 3, University of Kent

'The Architectural Setting of Anglican Worship' Revisited - CONFERENCE


This one-day conference on Saturday 25 November at the University of Kent at Canterbury is to mark the 75th anniversary of Addleshaw and Etchells’ pioneering study, ‘The Architectural Setting of Anglican Worship. An Inquiry into the Arrangements for Public Worship in the Church of England from the Reformation to the present day’ (1948). A number of architectural and religious historians and theologians will reflect on the enduring value of the book and the ways in which our understanding of buildings, architecture and worship in the Church of England has developed since that time.

Speakers will be Trevor Cooper, Professor Richard Cust (Birmingham), Professor Kenneth Fincham (Kent), Dr Mark Kirby (Oxford), Bishop Stephen Platten, Dr Clare Price (Twentieth Century Society), Dr Christopher Webster (York) and Professor William Whyte (Oxford).

There will be eight papers, each 20 minutes long, spanning the 16th century to the present day, with a final session to reflect on the findings of the day.

The conference will take place in Grimond Lecture Theatre 3, which has wheelchair access, and it will run from 10am to 5pm.

The conference is face-to-face and not hybrid.

To register, go to: tinyurl.com/addleshawandetchells

For any enquiries, contact: K.C.Fincham@kent.ac.uk