Please join us for any of the following events to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Eric Williams Capitalism and Slavery, hosted by the Centre for the Study of International Slavery (CSIS, University of Liverpool), the Monticello Foundation and the International Slavery Museum. Along with many internationally renowned scholars, Dr Williams’ daughter, Erica Williams-Connell, will be joining us too.
The different events will take place at the International Slavery Museum, the University of Liverpool, and the Victoria Gallery and Museum, Liverpool.
All admission is free and refreshments are provided, but please get a free ticket in advance on eventbrite using the following links, which also contain the details of the events (which are also listed on the Centre for the Study of International Slavery events page on the University of Liverpool website).
1 November 2019: The Getting Word Project: Beyond Labour and Commodity
To register go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-getting-word-project-beyond-labour-and-commodity-tickets-78353460309
2 November 2019: 75th Anniversary of Eric Williams’ Capitalism and Slavery
To register got to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-75th-anniversary-of-eric-williams-capitalism-slavery-tickets-78376657693
2 November 2019: Monticello and the Legacies of Slavery
To register got to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/monticello-and-the-legacies-of-slavery-tickets-78359171391