Wolfson Conference Suite, Institute of Historical Research
Teaching History in Higher Education Conference- Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th September 2017
How can we move towards excellence in teaching history in higher education? How can we support both students and staff using research-informed teaching? In what ways can we use pedagogic theory and research in order to engage learners at all levels? What opportunities are there to teach across and into other disciplines? How do we support students through critical transition points and intellectual thresholds? What innovative practice can inform our teaching?
This conference seeks to address these questions and, in doing so, explore theory and practices in teaching, learning and assessment in critical areas such as public history education; the use of digital and other new technologies; the relationship between school and university history; pedagogic theory, practice and the student experience; ethical dimensions and the teaching of ‘controversial’ subjects; learning outside the classroom; employability and work-based learning; policy, policy-makers and strategy. Papers, workshops and panel discussions will provide opportunities to showcase evidence-informed practise from the higher education sector, facilitate discussion and debate and, importantly, provide networking opportunities for participants.
Delegate rates: Full conference (both days): £150.00; Single Day: £80.00; Optional Conference dinner: £50.00
Postgraduate and ‘early career’ reduced rate: A reduced registration fee is available to postgraduate and early career academics (within the first year of appointment) on a first come, first served basis. Evidence of status is needed to qualify for this reduction.
Conference dinner: A conference dinner will be held at a nearby restaurant on the evening of Wednesday 13th September 2017. Full details of the venue and menu choices will be released in May 2017.
To register for the conference: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/teaching-history-in-higher-education-conference-tickets-31577564345?utm_term=eventurl_text
For general enquiries about the conference venue, please contact the IHR Events Office ihr.events@sas.ac.uk
For history-related and bursary enquiries, please contact Peter D’Sena, Senior Research Fellow at the IHR: peterdsena@yahoo.com
Call for papers, workshops and panel presentations
Contributions are invited on, but not limited to the following range of topics related to teaching, learning and assessment in history and history-related disciplines:
- ‘Teaching Excellence’;
- public history and community engagement;
- curriculum development;
- assessment and feedback;
- retention and success;
- work-based learning;
- the interface between school and university pedagogies;
- new technologies;
- enhancement strategies;
- student engagement;
- pedagogic theory;
- research-based practise;
- case studies;
- conceptual understandings;
- international dimensions;
- policy;
- institutional strategy
Submission deadline: 6 May 2017