Institute of Historical Research, Senate House

All are welcome to this free event, but advanced booking required: https://www.history.ac.uk/events/talking-history-seminar-culture-ihr
Since it was founded in 1921, the IHR has been a place where historians of all career stages and traditions have come together to talk history. The Institute’s seminars act as lively intellectual and social communities, each series offering a space where ideas can be tested and collaborations forged. In these challenging times for history and historians the existence of vibrant seminars open to all is more important than ever.
In this roundtable discussion we will think about the past, present and future of the history seminar whilst also celebrating the launch of a new history of the IHR seminars – Talking History (Opens in new window). Edited by David Manning, the book provides a defense of the seminar as a central element in historians’ teaching, research and sense of community. Covering a range of the IHR’s long-running seminar series’, it presents the seminars as a local, national and international hub for scholarship that emerges from, and is sustained by, the ongoing learning practices of historians as scholars and people.
Our panel will include seminar convenors past and present and we will actively encourage contributions from everyone in the room. The discussion will be followed by a celebration of the seminars in the IHR Common Room.
Panel members include:
David Manning (editor)
Tim Hitchcock (the seminar convenors rep on the IHR advisory council)
Mark Freeman (History of Education Seminar)
Ruth Slatter (CHPPC – new collaborative approaches)
Caroline Barron (chair of the Friends and long-time convenor)