This conference will bring together scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds to discuss new directions in the study of seventeenth-century relations between England and Venice. Speakers include Christina Anderson, Eloise Davies, Clare Jackson, Simone Maghenzani, Alana Mailes, Diego Pirillo, Carol Rutter, Stefano Villani, Filippo de Vivo and Jo Wainwright.
The day will close with a choral evensong featuring Venetian early Baroque repertory in the Cambridge King’s College Chapel, performed by the King’s College Choir. This performance will bring to life the musical worlds of the embassy communities that moved between early modern England and Venice.
Conference 9:30–17:00, Winstanley Lecture Hall, Trinity College, CambridgeChoral Evensong (featuring Venetian early Baroque repertory) 18:00, King’s College Chapel
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/stuart-serenissima-anglo-venetian-cultural-exchange-in-the-17th-century-tickets-461909763537