Seeking Contributions for Encyclopaedia of Church History – CALL FOR PAPERS

Date / time: 1 September, 11:59 pm

Seeking Contributions for Encyclopaedia of Church History - CALL FOR PAPERS


Call for Contributions: Entries for an Encyclopaedia of Church History

Deadline – 1 September 2024

The editors of DHGE – Louvain Dictionary of Church History are seeking contributions for its next fascicle.

This venerable ongoing encyclopaedia of Church history, begun by Alfred Baudrillart in 1909 and currently in the care of UCLouvain and KU Leuven in Belgium, publishes state-of-the-art entries on persons, institutions, phenomena and places linked to the history of Christianity in regular printed fascicles; all entries also appear on our publisher’s online platform Brepolis.

The editors are currently seeking contributions for the next fascicle. Entries should provide authoritative introductions to the subject at hand, blending both factual information and a précis of the historiographical status quaestionis, and should include a bibliography. They can be in French or English; the deadline is 1 September 2024. The word count is to be agreed with the editors depending on the subject.

DHGE – Louvain Dictionary of Church History is a trusted source of information across academia. Publishing in this time-honoured resource means sharing your expertise with a worldwide audience and adding your name to our list of past authors, which includes David Knowles, Hubert Jedin, Michel de Certeau and Marie-Dominique Chenu.

Our publisher, Brepols of Turnhout, pays contributors a fee.

Please contact Brian Heffernan with proposals at


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