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Date / time: 12 October, 2:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Council Room K2.29, King's College London
Richard Roberts: Leading Historian of Finance
A Conference to Celebrate his Life and Work
Friday October 12th 2018
The following speakers will offer reflections on the history of British finance inspired by Richard’s work
- Chair: Professor Pat Thane, King’s College.
- 2.30 David Kynaston, Historian of the City of London (and of much else)
- 3.00 Andrew Haldane, Chief Economist and Executive Director for Monetary Analysis, Research and Statistics, Bank of England.
- 3.30 Professor Forrest Capie, Professor Emeritus of Economic History, Faculty of Finance, City University
- 4.00 Tea
- 4.30 William Keegan, Journalist and Author, Economics Editor of The Observer, 1977-2003.
- 5.00 James Nye, recent PhD student of Richard Roberts.
- 5.30 Lord Nicholas Macpherson, Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, 2005-2016.
- 6.00- 7 pm Drinks
To register to attend go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/richard-roberts-leading-historian-of-finance-tickets-47345256938