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This online training session will introduce you to the wealth of resources available to research environmental histories at the Institute of Classical Studies (ICS), Senate House Library (SHL) and the Institute of Historical Research (IHR). A series of case studies and ideas on how to conduct your research, including creating and managing your reading lists, finding archival and library sources and finding online sources will be presented.
- Resources available in the Combined Library of the Institute of Classical Studies and the Hellenic and Roman Societies for researching environmental history in the ancient world
- Senate House Library resources for researching environmental history
- IHR Library resources for researching environmental history
- British History Online
- The Bibliography of British and Irish History
The session will be particularly useful for postgraduate and research students, but everyone is welcome to attend.
There will be time to ask your own research queries at the end of the session.
This session is organized collaboratively between the Institute of Historical Research (IHR), the Institute of Classical Studies (ICS) and Senate House Library (SHL).
Image: Wiki Commons