School of the Arts Library, University of Liverpool
The M6 Medieval Reading Group Symposium, titled “Reading Medieval Journeys: Beginnings, Ends and In-Betweens”, is the opportunity for postgraduate students and early career researchers to come together to discuss and celebrate the diversity within medieval studies.
Book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/m6-medieval-reading-group-symposium-reading-medieval-journeys-beginnings-ends-and-in-betweens-tickets-43830725881
This event allows us to expand our monthly meetings, further strengthening networks among PGs and ECRs from different departments and across different universities. Individuals studying the medieval world in departments of history, literature, archaeology, linguistics, philosophy, theology, and other disciplines are welcome to attend.
The theme of the symposium is medieval journeys in all its forms, including physical, spiritual, metaphorical, and temporal. This one-day event will comprise of presentations and culminate in a group discussion, continuing the tradition of highlighting the various sources, historiography, and methodology within our own fields and beyond.
Coffee, tea, and lunch will be provided. If registries have any dietary requirements, would like to attend the conference dinner, or have any further questions, please contact m6readinggroup@gmail.com.
Further information regarding the M6 Medieval Reading Group and the symposium program will be available at: http://www.m6medieval.wordpress.com