Poplar Councillors’ Revolt centenary: Labour comes to power!

Date / time: 25 February, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Poplar Councillors' Revolt centenary: Labour comes to power!

This year marks the centenary of the Poplar councillors’ revolt, when a group of Labour councillors took a stand against and even went to prison in order to oppose (successfully) the unfair treatment of the poorest areas of London.

The George Lansbury Memorial Trust will be revisiting this seminal moment in Labour history through a series of events in 2021. We start with this seminar, looking at Labour’s breakthrough in London (and particularly Poplar) in 1919, the poverty and deprivation that they confronted, and why their response in 1921 was to have such dramatic consequences. The seminar will be introduced by John Shepherd, who wrote the latest biography of George Lansbury, with commentary from Labour historians Keith Laybourn, Rohan McWilliam and Pippa Catterall, and will be followed by a Q&A to explore both the events of 1921 and their resonance in 2021.

For further information and to register go to:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/poplar-councillors-revolt-centenary-labour-comes-to-power-tickets-136473699509?aff=erelexpmlt